Everyones Setups
John Fenna's Hazel Bench
Various Photos
Wolfcrafters, Jimbos, and Jasons Bushcraft Pitch Pictures
Our Camp
Wolfcrafters setup with Jimbo whittling away.
Jason (left) and Jimbo having there first munch.
Wolfcrafter testing his setup once all tasks have been completed (ie choped wood and kettle on the boil!)
Wolfcrafter and his setup!
Jasons Ground dwelling setup!
Jason in Jimbo's Ground Dwelling setup!
Fire setup and Cooking

Teas on the boil..
Jimbo enjoying a brew!
Whittled Hazel Table
Time For Some Bacon
Trying Out My Mini Bush Frying Pan
--Dry Mix Pancakes--
The Mini Bush Fying Pan..
Dry pancake mix with a little water..
Onto the fire crane..
Time to Toss..
The finished product with a little syrup! Yum!
Hazel Bench Making
My DD Hammock Setup and Handmade Underquilt
Note my bench underneath as a foot plate and step.. wonderful in the morning when getting out to put your boots on!
Note the draw cord is not pulled at the ends yet, which will allow a greater snug fit!
All Peeps testing the comforts of hammock bushing
Jimbo looking a little wasted!.. "Hic!"
Jason.. contemplating if he should try out the comforts of hammocks!..
Yep!.. he gave in... snug as a bug!!
after kicking out the other two.. finally myself in my own hammock!