The Three Peaks Challenge of the Yorkshire Dales
starts and ends at Horton-In-Ribblesdale. It covers the three peaks of Pen-Y-Ghent, Whernside & Ingleborough.
View of Pen-Y-Ghent approach.
View on the way up Pen-Y-Ghent.
Halfway to Pen-Y-Ghent.
Coming down Pen-Y-Ghent, looking down the Ribblesdale valley.
Sign back to Horton-In-Ribblesdale.
Phil checking our route on the map.
Looking back up the slopes of Pen-Y-Ghent.
Across the other side of the valley is our last peak, Ingleborough, but we still have Whernside first!
Whernside in sight.. but still a long way to go!
A rest stop to Whernside.
Keto (Phils dog) having a rest too.
Not many man-made features in sight, just a few dry stone walls to navigate.
The only life for miles around!
Crossing the limestone beds.
Limestone outcrops.
Whernside seemed so close, cross another rise, and you'll find there's still a long way to go!
More life in the open valley. All seems such a slow pace up here!
Finally, a man made object coming into view!
Lighting conditions seem more vibrent up here!
Still on the road to Whernside.
Camping out just behind the pub, before we get to the Ribblesdale Viaduct sometime the next morning!
Morning glory of the Ribblesdale viaduct.
Farmers out for some morning work.
Exploring a cave created by a stream.
Another cave coming out of the ground.
Gorgeous workmanship of dry stone walling.
A small flowing waterfall.
A view of Ingleborough on the way up Whernside.
Halfway up the gentle slopes of Whernside, the easiest of the three peaks.
A side view of Whernside.
From the top of Whernside, looking over to Ingleborough.
Decending Whernside to Ingleborough.
Slopes of Whernside.
On the road to Ingleborough, Keto in front finding the way, he seems keen up get up the final peak!
A plesant sight!
A rest break before tackling the hardest of the three peaks, Ingleborough.
At the top of Ingleborough after a tough climb up! (Ingleborough trig point)
Keto admiring the views from the top of Ingleborough, Morecambe Bay can be seen on the horizon.
On the way down from Ingleborough, more limestone rocks to navigate.
Limestone beds on the way down.
Tricky paths created through the beds.
The final decent is gentle, a great relief after a long walk.
Walking made easy across the soft ground back to Horton-In-Ribblesdale.