1: Cotton
2: Birch bark
3: Dried grass
4: Charcloth
5: Tin of Maya dust
6: Horseshoe fungus
7: Old mans beard (fungus)
8: Old mans belly button fluff
9: Reed mace seed
10: Honeysuckle bark
11: Twigs that are pencil lead thick
12: Rose bay willow herb down
13: Thisel down
14: Dry clevers (sticky willy)
15: Birch poplypore
16: Cherry bark
17: Western red ceeder bark
18: Dry Bracken (Pteridium)
19: Bog cotton flowers
20: Tumble drier fluff
21. Hardwood shavings
22. Bulrush heads (Reed Mace)
23. Stringybark Bark
24. Paperbark bark
25. Cotton Wool Balls
26. Magnesium Shavings
27. Alchohol Jelly
28. Tindercard
29. Tampons
30. Fluff shaved off your cotton clothing with a sharp knife
31. Petroleum jelly (Vasaline)
32. Birds nests
33. Newspaper
34. Wasps nests
35. Pine bark scraped fine
36. Pine knot scraped fine
37. Clematis bark
38. T-light candle
39. Tyres
40. Strips of rubber
41. Gunpowder
42. Antiseptic Handgel
43. Duct tape
44. Petrol
45. Pine resin
46. Potassium Pangamate and Sugar
47. Jean Cloth Scrapings/Fluff
48. Fish tail palm fluff
49. Dandelion down
50. Thistle down
51. Pottassium permanganate and glycerine/anti freeze in newspaper
52. Gun oil
52. Cooking oil/fat
53. Quavers Crisps
54. Prawn Crackers and Pringles
55. Brazil nuts
56. Chaga
57. Wood Punk
58. Steel wool (with a battery)
59. Fatwood
60. Peanuts
61: Hair
62: Withe rot
63: Cramp balls (fungus)
64: Deodorant
65: Artist's Conk
66: Aerosols
67: Dry owl pellets
68: Dry bracken
69: Cigarette filters
70. Sheep wool
71. Inner Cedar bark
72: Metho
Please feel free to comment, and message me if you find any other methods/materials!