A 'Bushcrafters Of Cambridgeshire' meet.
Organised by myself and Badgeringtim, this was the Cambridgeshire Bushcrafters first ever meet at the Little Abington Scout site
A Video Introduction to the Bushcrafters Of Cambrigeshire site
The Bushcrafters were located on Little Abington's Sycamore Field. But in the bushcraft tradition, we never used the field, prefering instead to hide in the surrounding woodland!

A Social Gathering
The Communial area where all the action was undertaken. The Sycamore site was huge for our needs, but we all found we spent the time socialising together in the one spot. Great, because we all ended up getting to know each other very well, rather than hiden away doing our own thing!

GearGuru (right) Eel28 (centre right) Taws6 (centre) Badgeringtim (centre left) RickyAmos (right)
RickyAmos (right) GearGuru (left)

Cooking up some grub!
Everyone had their different cooking systems, from meths burners to open fire cooking.
Badgeringtims raw ingredients cooking!.. Yum!

RickyAmos with his pre packed foods!.. Yum Yum!
The Over-Nighters
Eel28 - TeePee.
Night Time Bushcraft
Swaping ideas.. Gearguru (left) Rickyamos (right)
Ambient moods!
GearGuru in contemplation!
Badgeringtim on the stoke.. again!
Eel28 chilling out!
Sunday Daytime
WhittlerKev and Jimbob turned up for a days chit chat and play.
Whittlerkev (Right) Badgeringtim (top centre) Jimbob (centre) Eel28 (Right)
Some of the Whittling undertaken.
Unfortunately there wasnt many whittling survivors, wood splits and miss aimed chops sent many an item to the fire god.

WhittlerKev's Spoon/Pipe? .. Owe..Split.. WhittlerKev's Sacrifice to the fire god.
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