Here you will find a selection of recipes I have come across and tried in the field over the years while delving into Bushcraft food, cooking over an open fire. Some are easy to carry/cook bush foods, while others require a selection of good raw ingredients to take with you and have reasonable complications in preperation and delivery. Because of this, I have included a list of cooking kit required, and a gauge of the individual dishes easy of cooking while in the bush.

Many of the recipes have a taste of history behind them, and are not always dishes you would necessarily have on a day to day basis. They will all try to include ingredients freshly available in the UK wilds, or with ingredients available to grow in a European climate. I hope you enjoy experimenting as much as I do with flavours the British Isles has to offer us all.

Recipe List:
Bush Nut Bread - Easy to Cook! -  Great for Bush!
The Original Bannock Bread Mix - Easy to Cook! -  Great for Bush!
Bannock Twist - Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Bannock Cups - Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Bannock Scones - Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Bannock Bread - Version 2 - Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Berry & Cheese Bannock Bread - Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Damper Bread - Easy to Cook! -  Great for Bush!

Meat Dishes:
BiltongEasy to Cook! Great for Bush! Prepare at Home!
Corned Beef Hash - Easy to Cook! Great for Bush!

Fish Dishes:
Fried Eels with Creamy Potatoes - A Little Complex to Cook! -  Great for Home!
Eels in Bruet (Soup) - Reasonable to Cook! - Great for Home!

Simply Dandelions - Very Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!
Dandelion Fritters - Easy to Cook! - Great for Home!
Sorrel Omelette - Easy to Cook! - Great for Home!
Sorrel & Leek Soup - Very Easy to Cook! - Great for Home!

Mulled Wine - Very Easy to Cook! - Great for Home!
Pine NeedleTea - Very Easy to Cook! - Great for Bush!

Some other great Wild Recipe websites!